Hot Potatoes - An Atomic Tale is a documentary film told from the personal perspective of Jerry Sears, a U.S Navy veteran, who was on picket duty during the Atomic tests series in the Pacific Marshall Islands in 1958. By his 18th birthday, Jerry had witnessed, at close range, over 20 atomic bomb tests. Jerry was a mess cook in the galley on the ship and was stationed in the “spud locker” which was on the main deck. This is where Jerry peeled all the potatoes, salads and veggies that made up the three meals a day. Whilst on duty, Jerry happened to get hold of a geiger counter and used it on the ships supply of potatoes stored in the open on the main deck. The geiger counter showed that the potatoes were contaminated with radiation from the bomb tests. Jerry wanted to throw the potatoes over the side, but the Chief Petty Officer ordered Jerry to wash them, peel the potatoes for the three meals a day and include them in the cook sequence and put them out on the food line, which Jerry was forced to obey.